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Model Legislation:

Task Force/Blue Ribbon Commission on Maternal Mental Health 

This measure would request [Insert Name of State Agency or Non Profit Backbone Organization], to establish a task force/blue ribbon commission on maternal mental health.


WHEREAS, Women in their childbearing years account for the largest group of Americans with depression. The mental health of women before, during, and after childbirth is an issue of great concern to women, their families, and their physicians and; therefore, is of interest to the Legislature; and

WHEREAS, Maternal depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are serious and debilitating, but treatable disorders. Children born to mothers with untreated depression are more likely to have developmental problems and higher utilization of medical and mental health care over their lifetimes. Therefore, it is critical that women who are suffering from depression or another maternal mental health disorder be diagnosed and treated; and

WHEREAS, A task force/blue ribbon commission should be established to study, review, and identify (1) current barriers to screening and diagnosis, (2) current treatment options for both those who are privately insured and those who receive care through the public health system, and (3) evidence based and emerging treatment options that are scalable in public and private health settings. The task force should also identify provider population needs and patient needs in order to improve diagnosis and treatment; and

WHEREAS, The task force should consist of 12 to 18 members, appointed by [Health and Human Services or Non-profit backbone organization name] in consultation with the Assembly and Senate Committees on Health, and include representation from organizations such as [the State Medicaid Agency, State Department of Mental Health, the State Department of Public Health, the Office of Perinatal Substance Abuse, the Department of Insurance, the State Department of Developmental Services/the Children and Family Services Division of the State Department of Social Services, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, The [state] Hospital Association, The Insurance/Health Plan Association, and other stakeholders], the x State Mental Health Association, and others]; and

WHEREAS, The task force should meet at least eight times a year. Members of the task force will not be compensated, but may be reimbursed for travel expenses by the [Insert Backbone Organization], to the extent available, for the purpose of attending meetings of the task force. The task force should be funded by private sources; and

WHEREAS, The task force should make recommendations in a white paper no later than [Insert date give yourselves 1.5 years from writing the resolution to find funders, recruit members, hold 6-8 meetings and workgroups and produce the paper], which should address changes necessary within state programs and any other areas deemed necessary; now, therefore, be it 

Calling on an External Body to Convene:

Resolved by the Assembly of the State of xxx, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature, therefore, 

Calling on an External Body to Convene:

requests the [insert name of state agency/or Non-profit backbone organization], to establish a task force/blue ribbon commission on maternal mental health [with private foundation funding] in order to further the objectives described herein.

Legislation Requiring State Agency to Convene:

requests the Department of Health and Human Services shall establish a task force/blue ribbon commission on maternal mental health to further the objectives described herein.