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Support Systems

Artemis Postpartum Support Screening Tool (9 Questions)

Risk for Maternal Depression

Maternal Depression Risk Factors Checklist
Though not addressed in the USPSTF Perinatal Depression Prevention (PPD) Initiatives review, it is well-observed that prior history of depression, currently experiencing anxiety or another anxiety-related disorder such as OCD, having multiples, and being a first-time mother, also place a woman at higher risk.

Adverse Childhood Events (ACES)

PRAPARE®: Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patient Assets, Risks, and Experiences (21 questions)
The nationally standardized PRAPARE screening tool is designed to equip healthcare and their community partners to better understand and act on individuals’ social drivers of health (SDOH)

Healthy Pregnancy Stress Scale (HPSS) for Low-Income Black Women (18 questions)
The Healthy Pregnancy Stress Scale is a validated questionnaire that assesses the type of stressors associated with pregnancy stress for specifically low-income African American women. This scale includes different types of stressful circumstances and can function as a quick assessment of the pregnancy environment, such as being unemployed, being unable to meet work-related demands, an unstable home environment, and an unsupportive partner.

CMS Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Screening Tool (26 questions)
(This tool also includes questions related to interpersonal violence, substance use disorder, and depression and anxiety.)

Joint Commission – Social Needs Screening Tool (30 questions)
(This tool also includes questions related to food insecurity, housing instability, transportation challenges, education and literacy.)

Social Determinants, Intimate Partner Violence & Substance Use Disorder

ACES Screening Tool (10 questions)
The ACEs screening tool can be useful for mental health therapists in better understanding potential causes of PTSD-related symptoms or other mental health or behavioral manifestations.