NY Policy
K.2150 (2024): Proclaims May 2024, as Maternal Depression Awareness Month in the State of New York
K. 2109 (2024) Proclaims May 2024 as Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month in the State of New York.
K.2048 (2024) Proclaims April 29-May 5, 2024, as Maternal Health Awareness Week in the State of New York.
J. 1681 (2024) Proclaims January 23, 2024, as Maternal Health Awareness Day in the State of New York.J. 1548 (2024) Proclaims March 22, 2024, as Doula Day in the State of New York.
K. 371/J. 144 (2023): Proclaims May 1-5, 2023, as Maternal Health Awareness Week; Memorializes Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 3-9, 2023, Maternal Health Awareness Week. In doing so, the act recognizes the significance of maternal mental health.
J. 296 (2023): Memorializes Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim January 23, 2023, as Maternal Health Awareness Day. The act includes recognition of the importance of maternal mental health.
K.450 (2023): Memorializes Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 2023 as Maternal Depression Awareness Month in New York. In doing so, the resolution will increase public awareness of the frequency and types of postpartum depression.
J.830 (2023): Commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the Postpartum Resource Center of New York, which brings awareness to perinatal mood disorders, including perinatal depression.
S.4007C /R.555 (2023): Directs the commissioner of mental health to establish a maternal mental health workgroup to study and issue recommendations related to maternal mental health and perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.
A 9102/S 7753 (2022): Required the Office of Mental Health and the Department of Health to study the disparate impacts regarding postpartum depression screening tests and to prepare and submit recommendations to the governor and legislative leaders.
A 9610/S 7234 (2014): Required the Health and Mental Health Commissioners to develop educational and provider information about maternal depression for the Health Commission’s website and for hospitals and birth centers to provide information to patients. The definition of maternity care was amended to include education on maternal depression, education, screening, and referrals. The law also addressed insurer obligations to cover maternal mental health screening by obstetricians and pediatricians and referrals.